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How to make good decisions in three steps or less

Stood by the road for 15mins Waiting for a commercial bus to take me to the campus park where I'll take another bus back to campus after spending the weekend at home with my mom and while I stood there waiting for a bus I made a decision not to enter any of the buses charging #150 to the campus park as oppose to the price of #100, I thought this was a good decision that I would eventually see a bus going my direction for the regular price 100 but I ended up waiting for 15mins and couldn't find any bus and I thought to myself why not write an  article on decision making because I just wasted so much time and I didn’t make such a good decision at the end


Sounds impossible right, I know but what I mean here is try and get as much fore knowledge from people who have taken similar steps before you, by asking questions relating to the steps you are about to take, checking the web for useful articles and using a pro and cons list to cross check the outcomes if they fit into your tolerance level like in the opening story I gave I could have asked people who travel in the morning to Benin about how the traffic situation was what's the best time to travel if they fit into the Time frame I was working with which brings me to my second point


All decisions have a fixed timeline, there are short term decisions, intermediate decisions and long term decisions you have to decide which time frame each decisions falls under accompanied by its degrees of seriousness, long term decisions are usually considered to have the highest level of seriousness but this doesn't mean all long term decisions are serious also Short term decisions may also pose some serious threat but are generally considered to be mild level seriousness all timelines and time-frame for a decision generally boils down to the individual in question and it's relative consequence... which brings us to our next step


What this means is you don't want to make a decision that goes against your instincts, always ensure every decision you make it's coming from a place of self assurance,
it's not Forced or coerced or motivated by external factors why should you do this, it’s possible to make a decision because of external factors this can be a good drive like money can be a good motivation for a decision but what are you giving in exchange for it are you trading your peace of mind?, are you trading yourself respect? Or simple human dignity if it doesn't feel right, if it's something you can't live with then don't do it
Hope this short piece has given you a guide to make decisions quietly and accurately stay tuned to this page for more thanks for reading.


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