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How to make good decisions in three steps or less

Stood by the road for 15mins Waiting for a commercial bus to take me to the campus park where I'll take another bus back to campus after spending the weekend at home with my mom and while I stood there waiting for a bus I made a decision not to enter any of the buses charging #150 to the campus park as oppose to the price of #100, I thought this was a good decision that I would eventually see a bus going my direction for the regular price 100 but I ended up waiting for 15mins and couldn't find any bus and I thought to myself why not write an   article on decision making because I just wasted so much time and I didn’t make such a good decision at the end GET ACQUAINTED WITH THE POSSIBLE OUTCOME OF YOUR DECISIONS Sounds impossible right, I know but what I mean here is try and get as much fore knowledge from people who have taken similar steps before you, by asking questions relating to the steps you are about to take, checking the web for useful articles and using a p
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Back at IT

Hey!! guys I took a long break but i'm back at it, and now I feel more motivated than ever I feel super pumped, I feel like I'm ready to dive into the unknown I have to confess, I do love writing,and i missed doing it here It's something I feel really passionate about, but I don't think I'm any good at it. All this while I have been away. I was still writing but for myself in my journal, I love Journaling, I love keeping a record of things And taking those trips down memory lane once awhile reminiscing about the past is gold for me and I want to blog every week (everyday if I can) I'm going to put in more efforts this time, make more research, steer the course. with that said here's a list of things I've been doing   Learning Web design and Development And I've been learning with sites like udacity , khan academy and sololearn also one weird app I saw on play store, the one with the best experience yet is udacity because it's available on mob

DRUGS,GUNS and SEX part 1 of 3

young pope Three of my fav things on the planet and being able to write about them is just great lets start with some definitions what is a drug? a  drug  is any substance  (other than food that provides nutritional support ) that when inhaled,injected,smoked,consumed,absorbed via a patch on the skin, or dissolved under the tongue causes a temporary  physiological  (and often  psychological)  change in the body what then is a physiological and psychological change?  well these are changes that affects the function and the mind  of a human body why then do we take drugs? drugs has been a part of the human culture before the evolution of modern medicine,as a part of some spiritual and religious culture for instance an amazon shaman has to partake of the ayahuasca (yage) a hallucinogenic brew to  "generate the divine within" there are also  smart and designer drugs smart drugs commonly known as  nootropics  help to improve memory,concentration, thought ,mood ,learning

WHAT'S THE MEANING OF LIFE!!!?....TRUE LIFE STORY(open letter to my folks)

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HI THERE  kuzzzi here,there are two demons in my head not one like regular people (with one demon and one angel) let me explain demon1 and demon2 both of which carry out one simple task feed, demon1 feeds on any and everything while demon2 feeds on small bits of everything, what is the use of demon1, simple,it can't speak but it can tell the source and health on whatever it feeds on, demon2 can speak but it can't tell the source of it's food he's also vulnerable to poisonous food so whenever food is available demon1 has to taste it first to tell demon2 if it's conducive and if demon2 is satisfied he takes a small piece of the food living the rest for demon1 as expected, i call them demons because the food they feed on is the information i pass to them, if i don't feed them daily with enough reasonable information my head starts to ache and i can't rest, they need constant food, constant attention, and all they do is take up space in my head, demon


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