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Hi There
  kuzzzi here, Today we are going to discuss the meaning of trap,(still need those feedback)so if you've got a better definition please link up,let's talk. What is trap?,what is trapping?,what is trap life?
short answer,Trap it's a way of life, it's culture,it's tradition.
  The world, has their own definition I have mine,The feeling you get when you trying to do something meaningful,but you feel stuck,you feel 'trap', but because of your determination to press on,you keep going,you practice,you try to get by, try to get sh*t done, no matter how hard,how long,how difficult it takes,how stressful you keep pressing, trap is the opposite of freedom, it's the desire to break free from the norm, it's the desire to stand out, the desire to get the best,the fullest out of anything you 'doing', it's beyond freedom in other words it's true freedom,so when i say i'm a trap,when i use the word trap,when i say trap everything,when i say trap life or trap anything i'm actually referring to my desire to get sh*t done, it's my desire to live (my love for life and the love of the living (TRAP_LIFE))let's get sh*t done,let's wake up every morning doing something meaningful,let's do trap like i said in said in my previous posts i want to make moves (link up if you want to also), but right now I feel 'trapped'.
 I feel loneliness,I feel the isolation, I feel it all(not exactly), the anger, the pain, the strive & struggle,the loss and everything in between, I feel it.
 woke up at six this morning(too late),an exam by 11am tomorrow(WHO cares!),forgot today was Sunday(so what!),still hungry,don't know what to eat(maybe i'm not hungry enough),feel the pains but i'm lazy when it comes to food(sometimes i try to eat healthy(I don't))....If you fancy all the stuff I put on here, link up tell me what you think or need to know(not like i know anything).....shit,not feeling the vibe right?,(still need that feedback)
 Talk so much about it,it may just be my thing, the reason i don't want to talk about the regular stuff bloggers talk about, is the fact that i find them all boring, i need people, i truly do, but i need genuine people who will tell me something they want to do and do it,no fakes, or plastics please,no lairs,real ones only,no "non doers", if you going to be a "non doer" fuck of my comment section,I want doers and non doers though, but i'm more concerned with doers. not like i'm trying to act up or anything like that but i want to get sh*t done so bad that i can't waste any time playing games(except god of war and call of duty and maybe fortnight....and a bunch of others)blogging is exhausting, i don't know how long i can keep this up, on daily i don't get more than 8-6 views which is quite small,i can't complain at least i'm getting views I'll keep posting for as long as possible,feedback is important(to know my circle(my niche)),that's what i need (not really),time check 2:35pm where I'm,I don't got no power, no electricity, my phone and laptop battery was low both of them was on 19% and 53% respectively.
 what else is there to talk about, I've defined trap to the best of my knowledge,still need an English tutor so link up if you're one,still have exams to write (which i don't care about or maybe i do),still have a tone of things to do,still have places to go and people to meet,...but i'm currently trapped at home alone in my chair and on my PC,still hungry,still boring,still clout chasing,still don't give a fuck,still think the internet is fucked,still worried about my future,still on some gangsh*t, still on still.
 This post is going to get a lot of editing at the end, right now i'm just scribbling stuff,I don't really know about,still waiting for feedback still trying to build my audience, still trying to get sh*t done, still waiting for breakfast (at 2:43pm), I don't mind the work i'm gonna keep doing this sh*t till i run out of space or till something more beneficial (learn Chinese!) pops up, well let's see what happens, I'm not backing down, I'm not letting up that easy, till the end or till i get feedback, till this sh*t starts to pay till my audience grow till i get the right connect, today I'll learn something, with that said time check 2:45 pm (time updated 5:00am Tuesday)
 BIOPHILIA IS a real word look it up via a dictionary
 kuzzzi out #plur_walker


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