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Showing posts from 2018

DRUGS,GUNS and SEX part 1 of 3

young pope Three of my fav things on the planet and being able to write about them is just great lets start with some definitions what is a drug? a  drug  is any substance  (other than food that provides nutritional support ) that when inhaled,injected,smoked,consumed,absorbed via a patch on the skin, or dissolved under the tongue causes a temporary  physiological  (and often  psychological)  change in the body what then is a physiological and psychological change?  well these are changes that affects the function and the mind  of a human body why then do we take drugs? drugs has been a part of the human culture before the evolution of modern medicine,as a part of some spiritual and religious culture for instance an amazon shaman has to partake of the ayahuasca (yage) a hallucinogenic brew to  "generate the divine within" there are also  smart and designer drugs smart drugs commonly known as  nootropics  help to improve memory,concentration, thought ,mood ,learning

WHAT'S THE MEANING OF LIFE!!!?....TRUE LIFE STORY(open letter to my folks)

WHY DO YOU THINK I FEEL NOTHING? even though i mostly act like i do, even when i say i don't feel anything , even when i declare on the roof tops that i feel nothing, i am a goddamn human for god-sake , i feel something, there's an heart inside my rib cage, after the drugs , after the pills , after the potion , after everything!!, after everything!!!, i am human , i have a heart, i put my hands on my chest and it beats there's a rhythm,i check my pulse blood flows in my veins, i see my mum, and i see my dad, i hear their cries, it hurts me too, i tell them it hurts me too, i tell them i am in pain, they are not happy, they don't believe, they think i am a junkie , i sound like a junkie, i know, i act like a junkie, i know, i need help, yeah, i know.  what are you offering?, is it mediocre? is it mundane? is it routine? is it the same thing everyone is taking? i won't accept it... i'm not crazy , neither am i insane, i just want things to change, i am so


  I just lost an entire page of my blog draft , how can i get it back does any one know?, is it even  possible to recover something like that? i'm writing about this to let my fellow writers know about how painful it is to loss your drafts, because now i have to right an entire post about the previous  post that disappeared (hate repeats) how do i do that? lemme try and recall everything on that post step by step     FIRST (there will be no second) there was a part about how things are going to be official on this blog and how i'm going to start learning from a guy called Jeff Bullas   and how there was this chick on medium who influenced my life without her knowing and how i was going to burst someone's head and destroy an others hut, there, that's the summary of the entire page that disappeared of cause i can't remember every single line i wrote, it's goon!! goon!! goon like the wind never to be seen again, i have to come up with fresh ideas,fresh stories,


HI THERE  kuzzzi here,there are two demons in my head not one like regular people (with one demon and one angel) let me explain demon1 and demon2 both of which carry out one simple task feed, demon1 feeds on any and everything while demon2 feeds on small bits of everything, what is the use of demon1, simple,it can't speak but it can tell the source and health on whatever it feeds on, demon2 can speak but it can't tell the source of it's food he's also vulnerable to poisonous food so whenever food is available demon1 has to taste it first to tell demon2 if it's conducive and if demon2 is satisfied he takes a small piece of the food living the rest for demon1 as expected, i call them demons because the food they feed on is the information i pass to them, if i don't feed them daily with enough reasonable information my head starts to ache and i can't rest, they need constant food, constant attention, and all they do is take up space in my head, demon


poem what is life? what does it mean to be alive? what does it mean to be among the living? why should you be happy about life whats the usefulness of life? why do you breath? why should you keep breathing ? whats death? is this the end of life? when you die does that mean you are dead? or does it mean something else? whats is existence? S.C.U.M(society can't understand me) i feel alone and lost in this world i feel my soul drift further into the depths, by the minute the emptiness just builds up, daily i fade away, whats wrong?, whats right?, what is needed?, what is to be done?, who is in charge?, whats is left? solitude or solitaire? closure or closet? risk or conserve? blank blank kuzzzi


HI THERE !!! Yesterday this blog spot marked it's one week of existence,to celebrate we're giving away old t shirts , free transcription (typing with headphones(you'll have to mail me the headphones mine is broken)) and free WiFi , if you are anywhere near me link up to claim your price if not I'm sorry I can't ,mail out any of the above. tekashi69 , real name Daniel(the G.O.A.T has the same name and birth month as me) Hernandez birthday may,8,1996(mine may,3,1997) other names 6ix9ine he's currently 6 for 6 on  billboard that's all you need to know about him and he's loud too very loud(reasons i like him)  I didn't do anything today, I haven't even showered and it's 430pm, I was unproductive and lazy( so what!!!).  I want to see the movies  silicon valley , dead-pool (due date M ay,18 ) and maybe vampire diaries i don't know why,also have been reading a psychology blog all morning (loving it)  you guys should go list


HEY!!! Its kuzzzi again, here to annoy(i can't spell annoy)the sh*t out of you, here to make you more angry. whats happening not to brag, but everything i said,i would do yesterday i i'm actually wondering what you are still doing not doing anything, TRIPPIE REDD wasn't as interesting as X, to read it didn't take too long(less than 5 min)learning mandarin was fun until, i was told to pay for the full package (nothing is free in this life bro even a free trial isn't free you'll still pay for a test charge) also i got around to some little coding on udacity  till i got stuck on a question, then finally the last and most annoying part of my day, the damn exam which was a total slaughter for me, i was just seating down staring at the ceiling half of the time, how lame was that oh well. I want to actually use this medium to apologies to anyone i may be letting down now, i'm sorry, i really am, it's the cost of chasing my dreams i


HEY!!! what are you doing?, why are things not working?(ever wondered?), why are you doing the same thing over and over? eating the same food, wearing the same clothes, visiting the same places, talking to the same people, why aren't you ma d?!w hy are you taking it (sh*t)? why are you just getting by?  whats stopping!  you?, from getting that car , buying that house , leaving your parents , why are you not leaving your DREAM , SCREAM,   RUN,FIGHT, stop doing the same sh*t over and over again, stop being a ROBOT, start being a human,stop living your life for someone,stop doing things for people,start doing things for you. start going out,start breaking stuff,break your life,smash yourself apart,'' scream jump run danc e'', do something for you today, learn Chinese (I've started already) i'm done doing sh*t for people, for anyone and everyone.  I want to improve myself first, I want to learn mandarin first, I want to start doing things for me I want to de

bored with commitment

Hey Kuzzzi here, so sorry i missed a day damn i failed you guys, there's no excuse if you want to know the short answer i am sick and the process i take to get my med was so slow,my ISP was slow, and my life is slow, but i'm here now, i'll probably do a double post to compensate,i did read about xxx (real name  Jahseh Dwayne Onfroy nick names x.xx..young dagger dick.dickxiller . source  wikipedia ) he seems like a chilled dude(do not be deceived he a beast ) i'm still a fan(supporter, whatever, i fucks with the nigga) i love the nigga he a G.OA.T ,he a real one, he gone burst your head today was a fucking weird day, (x for president damn sucks he has to be on probation till 2023 sucks he being labelled a ex con ) just woke up(going back to sleep after this post)time just passed 420am (now518am,(you know what that means )) oh well i'm not letting up  that easy, i want to do this, and i will do this for an entire month, i don't know where i '


Hi There kuzzzi here, I don't understand the world, I don't know what is real or fake, I don't know what to do, I don't know if I'm being scammed or not,if I'm being played or if I'm the one making the play, I just don't know anything, I could pass up as stupid or dumb or socially ineffective, I don't know and my not knowing is driving me nuts(psyche it's making me want the truth more)  I want the the truth, I want to know the truth (which I may regret afterwards but still...) I want to know "the way",I want to feel secure(not on earth bro you'll forever feel insecure) what is real someone tell me anyone pls, show me, I'm so tired of the world right now, i don't know who to trust anymore or..... DAMN!!!, this is so much STRESS, I'm tired I really am.  I'll be doing things differently on this blog, as from tomorrow, I'll start (already started) sharing to  other social media,start telling people about my blog


Hi There   kuzzzi here, Today we are going to discuss the meaning of trap,(still need those feedback)so if you've got a better definition please link up,let's talk. What is trap ?, what is trapping ?, what is trap life ? short answer,Trap it's a way of life, it's culture,it's tradition.   The world , has their own definition I have mine, The feeling  you get when you trying to do something meaningful,but you feel stuck,you feel 'trap', but because of your determination to press on,you keep going,you practice,you try to get by, try to get sh*t done, no matter how hard,how long,how difficult it takes,how stressful you keep pressing, trap is the opposite of freedom, it's the desire to break free from the norm, it's the desire to stand out, the desire to get the best,the fullest out of anything you 'doing', it's beyond freedom in other words it's true freedom,so when i say i'm a trap,when i use the word trap,when i say trap every

Still trapping

Trapping after dark


HEY THERE! IT'S KUZZZI again, saying go! go!, go get that car, go buy that house, go ask that girl out, just go go go do something, life is too short, just too short don't waste it doing something you don't want to, live live live do something you've never done, write,dance,learn,run, just do something.This is not a motivational piece it's just me telling you to go! go! go! there i'm don Well let's talk about something else,what should we talk about books,music,fun,entertainment,lies & liar,(i so need an English teacher my grammar is sh*t) well well what shall we discourse my dear (who's your dear? me) in between, i still have exams today by 3:00pm and i want to watch the series the end of the f***king world instead of reading,i don't get me, i like reading but at the same time i like fun(maybe way too much) work is just too much work but i still get around work, rather slowly but if the work is fun i get it done pretty fast, i'm


Hello Hello Hey,yes YOU!!  I'm writing for you (and partly me), I'm tired, bored and don't want to do this today but I have to because I said I would put out one of these everyday and I'm planning to stick to that as much as I can, I'm not saying there won't be times I would fail in doing that, but now I can, so I want to stick to the plan,I want to be focus, I want to improve and get better you should too, don't linger in one position doing the same old stuff everyday...I mean, don't you get bored cause I do pretty easily I don't know how much longer I can keep this up but I want to give it my best till I can at least find my niche create a following and keep you my esteemed reader entertained and informed but I don't want to give out useless or "no value news" cause I believe every second of your life counts even when you sleep it counts that's why your feedback is important I can't keep doing this if i don't get feedbac

The birth of Trap

HI there I'ts your boy kuzzzi ,  This is my very first blog post,lemme tell you all the purpose of this blog,this post and subsequent post...I'll basically be posting 'bout my life on a daily, things i fancy (very few),people I want to meet, and places I want to go, let's get started.   My name  kuzzzi pronounced cool_z,(of course it's my nickname), i don't like too many paper work, i'm more of a lets get sh*t done,more of a ''gimme a time and place and i'll be there'' and i use phones and computers to connect, meet people and get more sh*t done i'm not a stay home guy, i'm a field guy, i don't know the specific amount of people that  f*ck with me currently so i can't be too forward, you can tell  from this post i'm an info-maniac (although I've been tested for bipolar disorder i'm not sure that's something you can easily treat but I've been taking my medications,getting regular sleep and eating h